
Global Business School for Health


Tips on how to write a good personal statement when applying for MScs at GBSH

1 December 2023

GBSH Ambassador Andria shares insider tips on crafting a compelling personal statement for MSc applications. Learn how to highlight your strengths and fit for the programme in just 550-600 words. Read her full guide for success!

Tips on how to write a good personal statement when applying for MScs at GBSH

When applying for a master's degree at UCL or any university, a personal statement gets you into your dream course. Even though the personal statement you submit is essential to your academic or professional background, a dashing personal statement can help students who don't precisely meet the entry criteria, don't have a background equivalent to the rest of the applicants or anything else in your application that is weaker than standard. The personal statement is a chance to represent yourself with grades and experience aside. It's a student's opportunity to sell themselves and demonstrate why they are a good fit for the University by emphasising what they are good at, what they can offer and how they fit into the culture and value of the University they are applying to. 

A personal statement shouldn't be very long, or have an essay structure; it needs to be person, confidential!!!), short short 550-600 words or one page. Before getting to the writing part, I suggest you add a small section at the beginning with some information about yourself, including your name, address, email, date, and anything else you think is necessary. Make sure to address the letter to the admissions officer if you don't know their specific name.

Example: Introduction for Miss Sophie James (made up)


Once you do this, you are ready to begin writing this super important document which, can definirwhelming. When writing mine, I knew this could make or break my application, so I researched the institution's values and my course details. Incorporating such information in a personal statement emphasises that you are informed and prepared and can allow you to demonstrate your qualities without making the statement feel like a list of what you are good at.

In the introduction, you state what MSc you are interested in undertaking, your academic background, and a small introduction on why you chose this course. For meAnal statement is a very structured and strategic piece of writing.


Brief academic background + the MSc course you want to pursue

1st paragraph

Praise the institution, let them know why you chose to apply here, show off your research about your course and, why this is a good choice for you + how it will help you professionally and personally.

-Why is the curriculum a good fit for you?

-How will the course structure help you succeed and score high marks?

-How will the different modules feed into your professional aspirations?

2nd paragraph

Praise yourself as a student, a professional and a person. Clearly state why you are interested in this course and any previous experiences that drove you in choosing this academic path while ALWAYS demonstrating what you say, such as examples.

-Why should you be considered a competitive candidate?

-Demonstrate your dedication to the course using examples

-Indicate how you will personally fit in at the University and course of your choice

    3rd paragraph

    This is your opportunity to mention anything you did that you are proud of. Make sure you demonstrate great-teamwork management and leadership skills using past experiences from school, University, work experience, any curricular, or just life!!

    -Statpart-time time jobs --> time-management

    -Any extracurriculars --> team-work

    -Any societies or groups you were/are part of --> leadership


      This is the framework that I had in mind while writing my statement applying for the Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management MSc here at UCL. The structure might not work for everyone, but the content of a personal statement is a solid matter of what you need to talk about and research. Things to look out for when writing your statement: don't try to show off yourself to the point where you are just making a list of what you are good at! Don't mention if you can't prove that you are good at something.


      Try to avoid: 

      What to say instead:

      I have excellent teamwork skills

      My experience in a ballet team during my teenage years taught me how to understand and cooperate with others in a high-pressure environment …

      I am good at time management

      During my undergraduate degree, I worked part-time at a coffee shop; this helped me work on my time-management skills and taught me to take advantage of my free time doing schoolwork before or after my shifts.

      When finishing up the last paragraphs of your statement, let them know why you are looking forward to becoming a member of their institution and state your (apparent) interest in hearing back from them soon! After all the writing is finished, add a sentence mentioning your CV, which might include any possible references you have, even though they are already included in your application.


      Attached is a copy of my CV for review! Thank you, and I am looking forward to your response!

      Yours sincerely, 
      Sophie James

      I think that the essential thing in a personal statement is to state what the University has to offer and what you have to offer to the University. UCL mainly invests in their students; our professors invest their time, energy, and resources in them, while we, students, invest our time and resources for our gain and benefit. Any university wants to ensure that these investments won't go to waste, so they are looking for dedicated, hard-working students who can give back something to the institution. 

      Overall, the application process for anything, a job, a master's, or an undergraduate degree, can and will be very stressful, and anyone might question their abilities to successfully get into the institution of their dreams. Just stay focused on your goals and work hard to achieve them!

      Good luck to anyone in the application process, and I hope this helps!