
Global Business School for Health


Leading NICE in uncertain times

22 February 2023, 4:30 pm–6:00 pm

Female healthcare professional smiling

Leading NICE in uncertain times - hear from the lead at NICE, Sam Roberts who will discuss leadership in the healthcare management space.

This event is free.

Event Information

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Global Business School for Health


1 Pool St, London
E20 2AF

Leading large healthcare organisations is no easy task. With the current health systems challenges faced by the sector today, being able lead an organisation that can both balance the best care with value for money, delivering for both individuals and society as a whole is of real-world value.

With this in mind, we cordially invite you to attend our Leading NICE in uncertain times seminar with guest speaker Sam Roberts, Chief Executive of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence as part of our health leaders voices series.

This series invites leaders to speak frankly about their experience as health leaders. All of the speakers are individuals who have made an incredible difference to health and healthcare through their courageous and transformative leadership.

The series is designed to be highly interactive, with speakers presenting their thoughts for 20 – 30 minutes before opening up for an engaging conversation with the audience. These powerful stories that will be shared offer the audience opportunities to reflect and learn about the world of health and leadership.

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About the Speaker

Sam Roberts

Chief Executive at National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Guest Speaker Headshot - Sam Roberts

Sam Roberts is the Chief Executive of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. She has worked in healthcare for 20 years in a combination of clinical, operational, private sector and academic roles. She originally trained as a doctor before undertaking an MBA and joining McKinsey and Company. Her focus for the last 15 years has been on improving quality of clinical care and supporting uptake of innovation - as Head of Operations at a large teaching hospital in London (UCLH), Director of Innovation, Research and Life Sciences at NHS England and Improvement and Chief Executive of the Accelerated Access Collaborative. Prior to joining NICE she invested in early stage digital health and diagnostics companies. She has an academic interest in the influence of health economic analysis on policy and clinical practice, having worked at the London School of Economics followed by doctoral studies at the University of Oxford.