
Global Business School for Health


Social and Environmental Responsibility for Health webinar

27 October 2021, 5:30 pm–6:30 pm

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Providing universal access to healthcare is an important global ambition, but how do we address the social and environmental issues that impact health? 

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UCL Global Business School for Health

Much of the discussion in health and healthcare currently focuses on how we can widen access to healthcare especially through health innovation and technology. It is without a doubt that we have an obligation to provide universal access to healthcare, but we also have an obligation to address the social and environmental issues that impact health.

The social and environmental determinants of health need to be addressed both in a local and global context. Many businesses are seeing these social determinants of health as part of the ESG (environmental, social and governance) responsibilities. In this webinar, we ask a panel of health and healthcare leaders to address the question of what it means to widen our responsibility beyond access, to include the social and environmental context of patients and citizens.


Professor Michael Marmot, UCL, Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health and Director of the UCL Institute of Health Equity

Penny Dash, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company – Lead for Healthcare in Europe

Professor Ankur Sarin, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Professor of Public Systems Group and Ravi J Mathai Centre for Innovation in Education

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