Energy and Environment
This page collates publications, blog posts, video interviews, media commentary related to the impact of Brexit for energy and the environment.

Opinion and thoughts
Read the latest opinion piece on this page:
Michael Grubb & Giorgio Castagneto Gissey - ‘No-deal Brexit could add £bns to UK energy costs’

Research and expertise
Discover a major piece of research on this topic:
Professor Maria Lee - The Next Generation of Environmental Law

Projects and activities
Learn about a recent UCL project conducted on this theme:
Panel discussions with Professor Paul Ekins - UK Fisheries Post-Brexit
Why a deal on energy could break the Brexit logjam
Professor Michael Grubb (Bartlett School Env, Energy & Resources)
Type: Blog, UCL Europe Blog
Date: 10/09/2020
No-deal Brexit could add £bns to UK energy costs
Giorgio Castagneto Gissey
Type: Comment
Date: 23/10/2019
Environmental Pasts and Futures: The European Union and the ‘British Way’
Professor Maria Lee (UCL Laws)
Type: Article, Journal of Environmental Law
Date: 20/09/2019
Climate Change and the Irony of Brexit
Professor Albert Weale (SPP)
Type: Blog
Date: 20/06/2019
The Next Generation of Environmental Law
Professor Maria Lee (UCL Laws)
Type: Report
Date: 20/03/2019
Air quality law for the future: Fixing the fundamentals
Professor Eloise Scotford (UCL Laws)
Type: Report
Date: 14/02/2019
‘Environmental Principles after Brexit: the draft Environment (Principles and Governance) Bill
Professors Maria Lee and Eloise Scotford (UCL Laws)
Type: Working paper
Date: 30/01/2019
Renewable Energy as an Underutilised Resource in Cities: Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ and Lessons for Post-Brexit Cities in the United Kingdom
Mohammed Adil Sait (LSE), Uchendu Eugene Chigbu (Namibia University of Science and Technology), Iqbal Hamiduddin (Bartlett School of Planning), Walter Timo de Vries (Technical University of Munich)
Type: Journal article, Resources
Date: 04/12/2018
Environmental law in the United Kingdom post Brexit
Professor Richard Macrory (UCL Laws)
Type: Journal article, ERA Forum
Date: 24/09/2018
Sustainability: the invisible common ground between the Italian problem and reforms in Europe
Marc Brightman (UCL Centre for the Anthropology of Sustainability)
Type: Blog, UCL Brexit Blog
Date: 13/06/2018
The UK needs a new independent body to protect the environment after Brexit
Professor Maria Lee (UCL Laws)
Type: Blog, UCL Brexit Blog
Date: 07/11/2017
Environmental Accountability of Government after Brexit
Professor Maria Lee (UCL Laws)
Type: Working Paper, UCL European Institute
Date: 07/11/2017
Brexit uncertainity: what are the implications for the energy sector?
Steve Pye et al. (UCL Energy Institute)
Type: Blog, Engineers Journal
Date: 12/09/2017
UK Fisheries Post-Brexit
Professor Paul Ekins (UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources)
Type: Panel discussions
Date: 03/07/2017
Accountability for Environmental Standards after Brexit
Professor Maria Lee (UCL Laws)
Type: Policy paper
Date: 28/04/2017
The Energy Implications of Brexit
Steve Pye (UCL Energy Institute), Carole Mathieu (IFRI) and Paul Deane (UCC)
Type: Briefing Paper, INSIGHT_E
Date: January 2017
Environmental Governance after the EU: The Need to Ensure Accountability
Professor Maria Lee (UCL Laws) and Professor Liz Fisher (Oxford)
Type: Blog, The EU Referendum and the UK Environment
Date: 28/11/2016
Brexit: environmental accountability and EU governance
Professor Maria Lee (UCL Laws)
Type: Blog, Oxford University Press
Date: 17/10/2016
What next for building an EU energy union?
Professor Michael Grubb (UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources)
Type: Blog, Climate Policy Journal Blog
Date: 1/07/2016
Build a new Energy Union
Professor Michael Grubb (UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources)
Type: Blog, Euractiv
Date: 15/06/2016
The Brexit paradoxes - Energy
Professor Michael Grubb (UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources)
Type: Blog, Social Europe
Date: 10/06/2016
Brexit and Energy: Cost, Security and Climate Policy Implications
Professor Michael Grubb (UCL Institute of Sustainable Resources) and Stephen Tindale (Alvin Weinberg Foundation)
Type: Briefing Paper, UCL European Institute
Date: May 2016
The EU referendum: Implications for UK energy policy
Professor Paul Ekins (UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources), Joseph Dutton and Jim Watson (UKERC)
Type: Briefing paper, UK Energy Research Centre
Date: May 2016
Paul Ekins discussing Brexit and energy policy
Professor Paul Ekins (UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources)
Type: Video, YouTube
Date: 12/05/2016
Domestic Law and Legal Procedures
Professor Joanne Scott (UCL Laws)
Type: Chapter (pp. 89-100), The EU Referendum and the UK Environment: An Expert Review
Date: April 2016
The costs and benefits of EU energy and climate change policy
Professor Michael Grubb (UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources)
Type: Blog, UCL European Institute
Date: 5/04/2016