European Literary Map of London School Visit
26 April 2024
This week, a UCL East Partner school visited UCL to engage with exhibitions Lost & Found and Not Just Words

The UCL European Institute welcomed students from the Bobby Moore Academy to engage with two language-based exhibitions, Lost & Found, curated by the UCL European Institute and Not Just Words, based in the UCL Art Museum. Students took part in an interactive session with Dr Uta Staiger and Dr Elettra Carbone, fostering critical engagement with the featured texts - and prompting student-led reflection on London as a place where journeys intersect, where people and cultures meet and are transformed.
Students curated their own posters based on both exhibitions, followed by a campus tour with UCL's student ambassadors.
The UCL European Institute has commissioned a range of teaching resources intended to help secondary school students and teachers of modern foreign languages engage with the European Literary Map of London. For more information, visit our Schools Engagement page.