Access resources intended to help secondary school teachers engage with the Map or arrange to visit the exhibition

MFL Resources
The UCL European Institute has commissioned a range of teaching resources intended to help secondary school students and teachers of modern foreign languages engage with the European Literary Map.
These resources support the development of speaking, listening and creative writing skills in KS4 and KS5 Spanish, French and German and range from assembly packs to lesson plans, including visual cues, quotes, and concepts from the European Literary Map.
With a particular focus on space and place, our aim is to get students thinking about the personal and the public; London and other cities they may call 'home'. Combining the literary with language learning, geography and history, our resources encourage interdisciplinary thinking.
Exhibition Resources
In addition to MFL-specific resrouces, we offer learning packs for students of all subjects to engage with our free public exhibition Lost & Found: Mapping European Literary London.
Download Exhibition resources here.
Bring a School Group to UCL
The UCL European Institute and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities are offering schools in our local boroughs the opportunity to visit our exhibition and take part in an interactive session with the team behind the map, with the aim of fostering critical engagement with the featured texts - and prompting student-led reflection on London as a place where journeys intersect, where people and cultures meet and are transformed.
If you would like to signal your interest in visiting with a school group, please get in touch.
We wish to thank Jessica Dunks, linguist, educational professional and IoE alumna, who brought together these resources for UCL.