
UCL European Institute


Training workshop: Engaging with EU policymaking

21 October 2022, 9:30 am–12:30 pm


This workshop will provide an introduction to the EU policymaking process and the role of science advice in the European Union; offer insights on how to engage EU policy-makers effectively, including in a post-Brexit context; and enable exchange with UCL academic colleagues with established networks and experience in this space.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

UCL staff






Lucy Shackleton


IAS Common Ground
Ground Floor, South Wing
Gower Street

Who should come?

This workshop is primarily targeted at early to mid-career researchers, with an interest in better understanding the EU policy landscape, developing networks in Brussels, and creating opportunities for their research to inform EU policy. It is also open to PhD students and professional services staff in knowledge brokerage/knowledge mobilisation roles.

There are 30 places available. N.B. This session is not open to colleagues outside of UCL.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this workshop, participants should have:

  • An understanding of the EU policy-making process and current EU political priorities
  • An understanding of the formal structures for science advice in the EU, including the role of the Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM), the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Parliament Research Services (EPRS)
  • Actionable insights on how to monitor EU policy developments, identify key stakeholders, and engage members of the policy community effectively
  • An overview of sources of support at UCL, and the opportunity to network with other staff with an interest in informing EU policymaking/with established networks and experience in this space


09:30-10:00: Arrival and networking [Refreshments served]

10:00-10:05: Welcome & Introductions

10:05-10:25: An introduction to EU policy-making, the current political landscape and the role of research (20 minutes)
Ian Catlow, Head of Office, London European Office

10:25-10:45: An introduction to science for policy in the EU (20 minutes)
Dr Toby Wardman, Head of Communications, Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA)

10:45-11:05: Science advice in the EU: A view from the European Parliament (20 minutes)
Dr Alex Wilson, EU Energy Policy Specialist, European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS)

11:05-11:35: Q&A with external speakers

11:35-11:45: Coffee break

11:45-12:15: Case studies & experience-sharing (UCL academics with experience engaging with the EU)

12:15-12:25: Q&A with UCL academics

12:25-12:30: Wrap-up & Sources of support at UCL

12:30 onwards: Sandwiches & networking

Training workshop, curated by UCL European Institute as part of a programme of work to support International Policy Engagement at UCL, delivered by UCL Public Policy, the European Institute and UCL Global Engagement.

This event is generously hosted by UCL Institute of Advanced Studies.