Flexible Europe: Differentiated Integration, Fairness and Democracy
10 March 2022, 6:15 pm–7:45 pm

Book launch co-hosted by the UCL and LSE European Institutes.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
Dr Claudia Sternberg
Gideon Schreier Lecture Theatre056: Bentham House4-8 Endsleigh GardensLondonWC1H 0EGUnited Kingdom
Join us and the LSE European Institute for a launch of the new book, Flexible Europe. Differentiated Integration, Fairness, and Democracy by Richard Bellamy, Sandra Kröger, and Marta Lorimer.
- Richard Bellamy, Professor of Political Science, UCL Dept of Political Science.
- Marta Lorimer, Fellow in European Politics, LSE European Institute.
- Oliver Gerstenberg, Senior Lecturer, UCL Laws.
- Charles Grant, Director, Centre for European Reform.
- Sean Hanley, Associate Professor in Comparative Central and East European Politics, UCL SSEES.
- Waltraud Schelkle, Professor in Political Economy, LSE European Institute.
- Stella Ladi, Reader in PublicManagement, Queen Mary University of London (TBC).
- Chair: Claudia Sternberg, Head of Academic Programmes, UCL European Institute.
The discussion will take place in person, and will be followed by drinks.
Please note UCL's updated guidance on face coverings, which asks for masks to be worn at this event.