Security and immigration at the level of the EU: What's wrong with a securitization approach?
10 December 2014, 12:00 am
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10 December 2014
It has repeatedly been claimed that immigration has been "securitized" at the EU level. In other words, immigration has successfully been framed as a threat by officials, who subsequently deal with that "threat" as a security issue. Dr. Stephane Baele talks about the problems associated with this picture of immigration.
When: 10 December 2014 5pm-6:20pm |
Where: |
In this talk, Dr. Stephane Beale discusses the problem with the increasing securitising of immigration at the EU level. Dr. Beale constructs a more nuanced version of this one-dimensional story, which takes into account the complexity of securitization processes, immigration policy, and political logics.
Dr. Stephane Baele (Exeter) is lecturer in International Studies at the Centre for Advanced International Studies, University of Exeter, and research associate at the Centre for the Study of Conflict and International Crises, University of Louvain. He has published widely on questions of European immigration and security in journal such as Political Studies, Etudes Internationales, Journal of Conflict Resolution, and Critical Studies on Terrorism.
- This event is organised by CMII
- For more information contact Dr. Kevin Inston