Workshop on Business and Human Rights
22 April 2016

On 19 April, the Centre for Ethics and Law hosted a workshop on current topics in business and human rights, featuring a distinguished panel representing the investor, practitioner and business advisory perspectives. The workshop was a free event attended by around 100 participants from academia, practice, industry and the legal and other professions.
Anna Triponel, Business Advisor, Triponel Consulting Ltd and formerly of SHIFT, discussed the development of standardised reporting frameworks for companies in business and human rights, and how such reporting frameworks can be used for good in changing corporate behaviour. However, critical challenges to the effectiveness of these frameworks were also highlighted.
Hans-Christoph Hirt, Co-Head of HERMES EOS, a leading institutional investor, firmly endorsed the importance of business and human rights disclosures and practices in listed companies and investors’ increasing interest in this area.
Robin Brooks, Partner at Norton Rose Fulbright, highlighted the limitations in current legal frameworks in company and securities regulation in encouraging a changed mindset in corporations engaged with business and human rights issues. He also explored the promises and challenges in developing robust due diligence frameworks for companies to evaluate their business and human rights impact.
A lively Q & A and drinks reception followed this event. The Centre is proud to bring together a meaningful conversation across many sectors in this very topical issue and will continue to develop research and visibility in key areas of corporate behaviour, regulation and governance.