
Centre for Ethics and Law


Visiting academic from Denmark

26 March 2013

Helle Tegner Anker has joined the UCL Centre for Law and the Environment as affiliate academic from March until December 2013

Helle is professor of environmental law at Copenhagen University, Denmark, and co-ordinator of the Nordic Environmental Law, Governance and Science Network (NELN+).

Helle Tegner Anker

During her stay she will be working on a project on the transposition and implementation of EU environmental law. The project will focus on overall trends and characteristics in EU environmental legislation and the implications for national legislation, analyzing in particular the UK experiences. The project is related to work commissioned by the Danish Ministry for the Environment. Helle’s research interests cover a broad range of environmental law topics, including access to justice, EIA, land use planning, nature protection, water quality, GMO’s, bioenergy and wind energy.  She is currently a member of the Danish Government Committee on Nature & Agriculture. For contact or further information: h.anker@ucl.ac.uk or hta@foi.ku.dk