‘Think Pieces’ on current legal issues on CCS
5 October 2012
The Carbon Capture Legal Programme has commissioned several ‘Think Pieces’ from those with an expertise or particular perspective on legal developments concerning CCS. The pieces aim to provide an brief insight into discrete topics with a view to provoking further discussion and research.
Additional Think Pieces will be added throughout the duration of the Programme. If you are interested in contributing a Think Piece to the site please contact one of the Centre members.
For further information about the Carbon Capture Legal Programme, click here.
Current think pieces

From EOR to E2R: Sequestering CO2 while reducing dependence on imported oil (May 2011)
Philip M. Marston

The new regime for CCS in Spain: an overview (April 2011)
Angel-Manuel Moreno

CO2 Emission Performance Standards: a submission to the UK Select Committee on Energy and Climate Change (October 2010)
Richard Macrory

Working Party Report on the arrangements needed to develop the Infrastructure for Carbon Capture and Storage in the UK (July 2010)
Lord Oxburgh et al

The Gorgon Project: legal and policy issues (March 2010)
Andrew Beatty, Ilona Millar and Megan Flynn

Legislating to quantify risk and increase the financial viability of CCS projects (March 2009)
Calum Hughes

Carbon Capture and Storage in the Clean Development Mechanism: overcoming the stalemate (September 2008)
Pedro Martins Barata

Site Exploration: Are We Developing a Sensible Regulatory Regime? (September 2008)
Richard Macrory

Current CCS regulation in Norway (April 2008)
Nina K. Hallenstvedt