Performance vs. Compliance: A Global Leader's Guide to Managing Business Conduct
10 February 2011, 12:00 pm
Event Information
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UCL Centre for Ethics and Law
UCL, Gustave Tuck LT
Managers working outside their home environments often confront local practices that are inconsistent with their company’s practices back home. If forced to choose, leaders often frame their dilemma as a choice between doing as the locals do or doing as they do at home. But there are other normative benchmarks that could be referenced in these situations. In this session, I will present key findings from research that my colleagues and I have conducted on standards of conduct for multinationals in several major markets of the world. This research suggests that leading companies will increasingly need to conform their behavior to a set of emerging global standards and that success in doing so will require leaders to think of business conduct not just in terms of compliance and remediation but also in terms of performance and continuous improvement.
Prof. Lynn Paine (John G. McLean Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School) Venue: Gustave Tuck LT
Further work from the speaker can be found at the Harvard Business Review.