
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


UCL Doctoral School Welcome event - Friday 28th September at 10.30am

On Friday 28th September at 10.30am - 12.30pm there will be a Doctoral School Welcome Event for 1st Year Research Degree students attending UCL. 

Location: Logan Hall, UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AL (MAP)

The purpose of this short welcome event is to let students know something about the wealth of facilities offered to research students, and to give new students a flavour of the exciting research community at UCL. 

To ensure effective management of attendees, all attendees are asked to register for this event via http://www.grad.ucl.ac.uk/events/doctoral-school-welcome.html. Registration should take less than 30 seconds, is free, and will enable us to understand attendance numbers and any requests from students with specific access needs. Students will not need to bring tickets that are generated, as there will be no check-in activity on the day.

The event will also be live streamed to Youtube by UCL Media Services for those unable to attend in person. A link will be published on the Doctoral School website as above.

Further information