
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


The Experts by Experience network

This group is comprised of around 50 people from different backgrounds, ages, genders and ethnicities.

Using their experience of primary care, members ensure our research addresses questions that are meaningful to patients.

If you would like to find out more about the group or to join, or if you are a current EbE member and have a question, please contact public.advisors@ucl.ac.uk

What to expect?

What to expect as a PPI member in the PCPH department?

  • The Patient Involvement Team (PIG) team offer a short phone call if you are interested in joining our Experts by Experience (EbE) network (below), so you have the chance to ask questions and know what to expect.
  • The team will send adverts from groups of researchers in the PCPH department to the EbE mailing list, and you have the choice to decide if you would like to take part in their research or not.
  • They may ask for help as a one-off (e.g. 1 hour), or there may be a request for continued support throughout a research project.
  • PPI contributors are paid for their time at an hourly rate. The payment process is guided by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).
  • The amount you will be contacted will vary throughout the year but may possibly be busier around grant times (April and September).
  • We also send a newsletter to the network twice a year. You can view the most recent edition here.

What projects may I help with and what tasks will I be asked to do?

It's a variety! Our department conducts research that focuses on Primary Care and Population Health, which address the management and prevention of disease in areas of health such as: Ageing, eHealth Unit, Mental Health, Sexual Health and Infection, Medical Education and Clinical Capacity Building.

The research projects will be varied but focused on one of these areas mentioned.

Tasks that PPI members can help with my be: reading over funding applications to ensure the aims are relevant and suitable, helping decide what activities researcher will do to share their study results with the public and joining meeting to discuss important aims of research etc.

We have developed a guide for public contributors and researchers about what they can expect when taking part in involvement activities, you can view it here: guidelines_for_researchers_and_public_contributors_3_11_2023.docx

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has more information about different ways to get involved in research.