Lead: Jane Wilcock and Rachael Frost
In this session, participants will plan their own qualitative study designs. The session is very interactive, with students in small groups with experienced tutors, and plenty of one-to-one discussion and advice on qualitative study design. The morning is spent planning studies, and in the afternoon students will present their study design proposals to tutors and other students in small groups, and discuss research issues arising from students' proposed studies.
Learning Objectives:
- To write clear research question/s
- To understand the principles of (and debates about) quality in qualitative research
- To plan a qualitative research study, specifying the details of how a study will be carried out
- Present (on flip charts) a summary of your study design
- Discuss the rationale for chosen study designs
Assessment for students taking the course as an MSc or MA module - Assessed presentations-30% of module marks (5 credits), and submission of a protocol for an original qualitative project-70% of marks (10 credits).