
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care - Advancing health across populations

UCL's Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care addresses major 21st century health challenges such as health equity, obesity, tobacco and alcohol, ageing and the organisation of healthcare.

We aim to understand and influence determinants of health and health behaviour across the lifecourse, develop and evaluate cross-sectoral policies and strategies to improve health, and optimise healthcare delivery and practice. 

    A man browses in the library


    We are dedicated to teaching and capacity building in population health research and practice.

    Researching on a laptop


    We aim to understand what determines health or disease in populations and we evaluate strategies to treat and prevent ill health.

    A lecturer at UCL teaches students in a lecture hall


    Read about our vision, research, teaching, structure, and history.

    •  Find out more

    People walking on the stairs in UCL


    The Institute for Epidemiology and Health Care employs some of the world’s best scientific minds to work together towards improved public health for all. 

    Image of hands being raised to reflect different voices

    Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

    Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are integral to our approach to research, teaching and enterprise, and we hold the Athena Swan Bronze Award.




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