


Deformation Capacity of RC Elements

This project aims to enhance relationships that quantify earthquake induced damage in reinforced concrete (RC) structures, in terms of Engineering Demand Parameters (EDPs) and/or Damage Indices DIs.

RC Elements testing

In the seismic vulnerability assessment process, RC structures are classified onto damage scales, based upon their expected performance. The level of damage is quantified by DIs as a function of Engineering Demand Parameters (EDPs).

Many empirical and semi-empirical relations of such EDPs are available in literature, yet these define the physical parameter at yield and ultimate states only. In Performance Based Assessment (PBA) these are generally deformation parameters such as chord rotation or displacement. Using a semi-empirical aproach, expressions relating with damage at intermediate states are defined as a function of EDPs. Reference is made to the various failure modes that characterise RC structural elements and to the respective EDPs that can actually describe the damage state.

In order to achive this, results of cyclic fatigue test on columns and joints found in literature, are used. In addition, a testing campaign of low cycle-fatigue tests on RC elements (columns and beam-column joints) was specifically devised and conducted. See Figure here to the left. The samples were constructed using detailing aspects and material properties as suggested by codes of practice with which structures before the 1980's were built. Recent and not so recent earthquakes indicate that structures built during these times perform inadequately. This experimental campaign was carried out in the laboratories of the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Aveiro (Portugal), under the supervision of Prof. Humberto Varum.

Other Epicentre staff involved: Tiziana Rossetto, Randolph Borg, Jose Melo

The video of the latest run of cyclic tests on RC beam-column Joints can be seen below.