The NIKER project aims at developing and validating innovative materials and technologies for systemic improvement of seismic behaviour of Architectural Heritage. It develops an integrated methodology, which includes design methods, advanced monitoring and early warning techniques. To reach this goal, the project is structured into three main steps, in a three-year time:
- Creation of a database with new relational structure with the task of orienting and assisting the development of materials and techniques for intervention;
- Experimental testing, numerical simulation, parametric modelling and derivation of design methods for vertical and horizontal structural elements and connections and for the overall seismic behaviour of buildings;
- Development of knowledge-based assessment procedures and final validation of the entire methodology on real case-studies to be collated in Guidelines for end-users.
Within this framework UCL has led the development of various interventions for different structural connections. In particular we have developed 2 prototypes of dissipative systems with early warning, to be inserted in damaged masonry structures to prevent and monitor out-of-plane failure mechanisms. Besides a series of procedures for assessment of original historic connection systems and design of new system has been drafted. These include specific testing protocols, detail design check and validation.
More information on the project and contributing partners can be found here.
Sponsors: EU FP7 Environment Directorate
Epicentre Staff Involved: Dina D'Ayala