
UCL Engineering


UCL Extend Registration Help Guide

Use this Help Guide to log in to UCL Extend for the first time.

Watch the video below, and follow the steps on the page.

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Step 1

  • Visit extend.ucl.ac.uk, click on Login (NOT UCL Login), and on the following screen click on Create new account.

Step 2

  • On the next screen read through the Terms of Website Use and Acceptable Use policies. 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Next
  • Read our Data Privacy Policy, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next again.
  • You will be alerted that you need to agree with these policies. Check the two checkboxes to indicate acceptance, then click on Next again.

Step 3

  • On the next screen, choose a username (the first email address field) and a password. 
  • Fill in your personal details; the fields with a red circle next to them are required, and if left blank, you will not be able to proceed. 
  • Once you fill in the details, please click on Create my new account.

Step 4

  • With the form filled in, you will see a confirmation message.
  • UCL Extendhas created your account, but you will need to go to your email account to confirm this.

Step 5

  • Open up the inbox of the email address you specified when you created your account.
  • You should have an email from UCL Extend
  • If you do not see anything in your Inbox, please check your Junk Mail/Spam folders as well.

Step 6

  • Click on the email from UCL Extend, then click on the link in the body of the message to activate your account.

Step 7

  • Once you click on the link, you should be taken back to UCL Extend with a message confirming that your registration is successful.
  • Your name should be displayed at the top right of the screen, on the left of the UCL logo. 
  • Click Continue to go to your main UCL Extendspace (the dashboard).

Step 8

  • Once on the main page, UCL Extend will offer you a quick visual tour of what is available on that page. 
  • You can use the Next and Previous buttons to follow the tour, or click on End Tour to dismiss it.

Step 9

  • After you have either completed or dismissed the visual tour, you will be on the UCL Extend dashboard.
  • This is the page you see when you log in. It contains the programme you are enrolled on. 
  • In order to register for the Ocean Health Challenge, copy and paste the following link to your browser’s address bar: https://extend.ucl.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=724. This link has also been sent to you by email.

Step 10

  • Click on Enter Course. You should see a screen asking you for an enrolment key.

Step 11

  • Type the Enrolment key into the box and click on the Enrol me button. You have been sent the enrolment key via email.  
  • If you copy and paste the text from the document, please be careful, as sometimes a trailing space is added to the text you are copying to the clipboard; either type the enrolment key manually or make sure that no leading or trailing spaces are copied. 
  • You should now be looking at the Ocean Health Challenge home page.

Step 12

  • Anytime you need to come back to this page, just go to extend.ucl.ac.uk and click on Login.
  • Fill in your email address and password under Already have an account? 
  • From the dashboard, click on the title of the Ocean Health Challenge. 
  • Good luck and enjoy!