
UCL Engineering


UCL Engineering: Careers in Renewable Energy Panel Event

09 February 2023–17 February 2023, 5:00 pm–6:30 pm

Offshore wind farm

Are you interested in renewable energy? Want to find out about the latest trends and opportunities in the Industry? Renewable energy engineering roles are in high demand in the UK and worldwide. Join us to learn more! Industry experts in renewable energy fields including wind power, solar power, bioenergy and hydroelectric will be joining us at this panel event and discuss about the sources and the main challenges for renewable energy. Representatives from Ameresco, Ecotricity and COWI will share their insights and reflect on their career path. They will talk about their work experience in the field, the skills and mindset in demand and offer tips for applying students!

Event Information

Open to

UCL students




UCL Engineering Careers


Room W3.01, 20
20 Bedford Way

Participating in this event will enable you to:
1. Gain Commercial Awareness
2. Find out about the variety of roles available in the renewable energy industry.
3. Find out about the skills that are currently in demand.
4. Learn about what the recruitment process may look like in participating employers.
5. Gain tips on how to succeed in the recruitment process.

Event Structure:
16:50 - 17:00 Arrival and Student Registration
17:00 - 17:10 Welcome and panel intro
17:10 - 17:40 Panel talks
17:40 - 18:00 Q&A
18:00 - 18:30 Networking