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search-total-matching319search-total-matching- Sarah Spurgeon named 2020 IEEE Fellow | UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering - UCL – University College London
- Celebrating ten years of the Telecommunications with Business MSc | UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering - UCL – University College London
- Minister of State for Universities visits the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering | UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering - UCL – University College London
- Prof. Tony Kenyon's artwork on display in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park | UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering - UCL – University College London
- Mobile location and tracking using data fusion prize awarded to joint UCL/QMUL team. | UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering - UCL – University College London
- New quiz inspires future engineers | UCL Engineering - UCL – University College London
- Athena SWAN Bronze Award for the Department of EEE | UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering - UCL – University College London
- Optical Networks Group open up their research lab to the public | UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering - UCL – University College London
- Novel Ultrasound Sensor invented at UCL shortlisted for IET Innovation Award | UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering - UCL – University College London
- ICCS Co-Director elected to board of international optical society | Institute of Communications and Connected Systems - UCL – University College London
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