
UCL Department of Economics


COVID-19 research at the UCL Department of Economics

We are taking an active role in the researching the impact of COVID-19 on the economy, household incomes and the labour market across the globe. Below you can find the current COVID-19 research initiatives from our academics.

Publications and Working Papers

Explore our COVID research covering topics such as inequality, the threat to children's futures and the impact on small business.

newspapers on a desk

Short Articles

Read our academics' take on responses to the pandemic and the effect on economies worldwide.

microphone in front computer

Podcasts and Videos

Watch and listen to our economists' analysis of today's global challenges, economic policy and life post-pandemic.

calculator that says COVID-19 on the display

Play the start-up prediction game

Use the calculator created by Vincent Sterk and Petr Sedlacek to predict the long-term impact of COVID-19 on new businesses.

Get in touch

For any media or communications enquiries, or to arrange an interview with our experts, please contact the Department
Communications Team at economics.comms@ucl.ac.uk.