
UCL Earth Sciences


Field Class Schedule 2024-25

There is a strong emphasis on field training in all earth science degree programmes. Some destinations may vary from year to year, and specific dates depend upon booking availability.

Fieldwork Schedule

In-field transport is provided and accomodation. Students are expected to pay for food/flights/transport to and from the fieldtrip. This excludes the Independent Mapping which has a £700 bursary.

We use the ES Virtual Fieldwork material as an additional resource. Current students please follow detailed information provided by trip organisers.

Year 1

29th March - 4th April 2025 (provisional dates)Dorset (GEOL0015) A4U/1st year
student contribution = daily food
Prof Paul Bown

Year 2

1st - 23rd September 2024 (2 groups)

Durness, Scotland (GEOL0016) A5U/2nd year
student contribution = transport to Inverness (plane/train/bus), daily food

Prof Tom Mitchell
9 - 19 April 2024 (2025 dates TBC)Pyrenees (GEOL0010)
student contribution  = flight to spain, daily food
Dr Matt Fox

Year 3


12 - 13 September 2024 pre-field trip lecture 

16 - 20 September 2024


Royal Greenwich Park  (GEOL0020) 
Geophysics Fieldcourse

Prof Ana Ferreira
30 days mapping in the Summer period 202530 days independent mapping (GEOL0024) in optional locations either UK or abroad. Taken any time in summer 2025 (student choice). Departmental contribution towards costs ~£600.  Prof Tom Mitchell
31st March - 11th April 2025Betics (GEOL0023) 
student contribution = flight to spain, daily food

Grp A 18th - 21st May 2025       

Grp B 21st - 24th May 2025


Peak District (GEOL0068)Dr Katie McFall

Year 4

29th May - 3rd June 2025Reis, Germany (GEOL0039)
student contribution = Flight to Germany, daily food
Prof Graham Shields