Volcano seismology, eruption forecasting, natural and anthropogenic hazards, field investigation, knowledge exchange
Lecturer (teaching), Earth Sciences
Appointment: | Room: |
Lecturer (teaching) | K. Lonsdale Building, 301B |
Courses Taught: | |
Director: MSc Geophysical Hazards GEOL0014 Geosciences Report (contributor) | |
Research Group(s): | |
UCL Hazard Centre | |
Email Address: | Telephone Number: |
alexander.steele@ucl.ac.uk | 020 3108 6326 (56326) |
Research Summary
My main research interests are focussed on understanding the formation and evolution of shallow magmatic systems and forecasting volcanic eruptions. In particular, using precursory field data from active volcanoes, I combine physical models of elastic-brittle deformation with numerical and statistical modelling techniques (1) to quantify eruption potential in terms of volcano seismicity and ground deformation, and (2) to investigate the evolution of stress fields around shallow magma bodies and how these determine critical levels of volcano unrest and, in some instances, preferred eruption location.