Latest Earth Sciences Newsletter Spring 2021
11 June 2021
Spotlights: Students explore rocks in virtual reality; Meet Geology student; Meet Dr Martin Homann; Life flourish in ocean’s twilight zone; Managing water resources; Bringing research to schools; The Women in Earth Sciences; Career event with past alumnae; Kīlauea’s eruption;

Although Covid-related restrictions on our working practices continue, the Department is poised to return to something approaching normality. We are formulating our plans for how we will teach in October, with a strong likelihood that face-to-face sessions (with nearly normal population densities) will be allowed in our teaching labs. Such sessions will focus on those practical and field skills that students have missed over the past year. Moreover, we continue to innovate, with the introduction this year of new modules on “Origin of life and exobiology” and “Numerical modelling of mantle dynamics”, as well as plans to increase the options and flexibility available in our MSc in Geophysical Hazards from October 2022.