The UCLDH Site: Care and Feeding
The UCLDH main site, as opposed to the DH Blog, is maintained in a content management system named Silva. While we aren't aware of anyone who actually likes this system, it gets the job done and most of its abundant quirks can be worked around in one way or another.
Silva is edited in Kupu. While we aren't aware of anyone who actually likes this editor, it gets the job done and most of its abundant quirks can be worked around in one way or another. Moreover, we are advised that UCL IS are planning to replace it with a better editor named TinyMCE.
Adding HTML
A page being edited in Kupu can be toggled back and forth between the default graphical mode and plain text editing. The latter, while recommended to anyone with a grasp of coding HTML by hand, is a very deceptive proposition: it appears to support plain HTML, but in actual fact it does not: HTML entered in the plain text mode will be throughly chewed up by Silva when an attempt is made to save it.
To add HTML code to a document being edited, please use Add an External Source in Kupu's right sidebar and select HTML: insert HTML code from the drop-down menu. To add a block quotation, for instance, you will need to do this twice, once for the <blockquote> tag before the quote and once for the closing </blockquote> tag after the quote. Thus:
Fusce sed dignissim augue. Ut non quam vel ante mattis fermentum sit amet id nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec viverra purus ut eros sagittis in consequat purus bibendum. Sed interdum scelerisque elit facilisis posuere. Suspendisse aliquet adipiscing egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris volutpat adipiscing nisi, at convallis erat sodales eget. Proin a adipiscing tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris at libero justo, nec porta ante. Curabitur interdum felis ac enim elementum hendrerit. Fusce blandit mollis nibh a pharetra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur lacinia tempus diam id adipiscing. Praesent dapibus metus et erat pretium quis ullamcorper nulla posuere. Ut congue arcu nec neque blandit ac rhoncus ante gravida. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed bibendum mi sit amet est pellentesque vulputate. Aliquam interdum, nunc quis interdum suscipit, sem quam auctor neque, eget ullamcorper justo orci sed augue. Praesent sem ligula, rhoncus eu feugiat nec, adipiscing at leo. Vestibulum dapibus diam at massa vestibulum porta. Donec molestie mollis felis quis lacinia. Maecenas faucibus nulla a est luctus consequat. Morbi congue accumsan nisl et venenatis. Pellentesque vulputate feugiat mattis. Vestibulum orci dui, porttitor sit amet ultrices nec, auctor vel augue.