
UCL Centre for Digital Humanities




UCLDH has an online shop selling UCLDH-branded items ranging from from apparel and mugs to bags and assorted accessories.

Here's how it works: the site provides the un-printed stuff, eg apparel, we provide the artwork, they print and ship on demand. Applying the artwork to new stuff requires a login, which Melissa has.

When creating new stuff, the default is set for the eventual buyers to customise the colour combinations to their liking. So far, colour-customisation for buyers has consistently been turned off. Picking a colour-combo involves setting two logo colours against the background colour of a product: Rudolf's preference has been to do this according to the logo guide [PDF] he drew up and therefore to bar the customers from tweaking the colours.

The shirts are sold at the base rate charged by Spreadshirt. It's possible to add a margin to the base rate and collect the money for every item sold. It's been suggested that Rudolf should add that margin, which he has never done.

Sightings of people wearing UCLDH t-shirts: one, two, three, four, five (photos)

Note: next time the holiday season rolls around, it might be a good idea to remind the present-buying public of the shop's existence.