Think-aloud studies of information behaviour
05 February 2013, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
G31, Foster Court
In this Painless
Introduction, Stephann Makri
will discuss how to plan and conduct think-aloud observations of digital
information behaviour. This will be an interactive and discursive Painless Introduction
where you will be directly involved in planning a study aimed at looking at how
information is acquired, interpreted and used.
After the planning is
done, an audience member will be invited to participate in the study and we
will discuss how digital information environments can be designed to better
support their digital information behaviour.
Stephann Makri is a
Research Associate at UCL Interaction Centre.
His research looks at how people acquire, interpret and use information in the
context of their work and how this understanding can be fed into the
user-centred design and evaluation of digital information environments.
Stephann is currently working on a £1.82m UK Research Council funded project
called SerenA:
Chance Encounters in the Space of Ideas,
which has involved gaining a rich understanding of peoples' examples of
serendipity (including coming across information serendipitously) and using
this understanding to inform the design of digital information environments
aimed at creating opportunities for 'happy accidents.'