UCLDH guest speaker: Willard McCarty, 'What does Turing have to do with Busa? In celebration of the centennary plus one of Roberto Busa's birth'
25 March 2014, 5:30 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
G31, Foster Court, UCL
We sometimes act as if the two -- the odd Englishman who invented digital computing and the formidable Italian who in the standard account began digital humanities -- were remote strangers to each other as much in thought as they were in life. In this talk I argue for their cognitive if not spiritual brotherhood. I argue that the coming together of digital computing machinery and traditional humanistic questions could be more obviously and more fully a bi-directional transformative collision with deeply fructifying outcome if only we ceased treating those two great progenitors as alien to each other.
Willard McCarty is Professor of Humanities Computing, King's College London, and Professor in the Digital Humanities Research Group, School of Humanities and Communication Arts, University of Western Sydney.
All are welcome and drinks and refreshments will be available after the talk. Please note that registration is required.