UCLDH ONLINE - Histories and Futures of Linguistic Diversity in DH (RESCHEDULED)
13 April 2021, 8:00 pm–9:15 pm
Humanités numériques, цифровые гуманитарные науки, デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ: History and Future of DH Linguistic Diversity Quinn Dombrowski (Stanford)
Event Information
Open to
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- Yes
[DUE TO A SCHEULING CONFLICT, THIS EVENT HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED. It is now taking place on Tuesday 13th April at 8pm.]
International, interdisciplinary spaces are inevitably sites of tension, where differences in linguistic and cultural norms run deeper than they initially appear. Establishing and maintaining a set of norms for a community to operate despite these differences requires ongoing dialogue within that community. This talk will reflect on language as one longstanding axis of diversity within digital humanities as it is carried out at the international level, as well as within different national contexts. This context will inform a frank discussion of the ways in which a general obliviousness towards languages commonly found in Anglophone countries has negatively impacted Anglophone scholars' research, pedagogy, and engagement with the broader field of DH. The talk will conclude with actionable steps that scholars, particularly in Anglophone countries, can take towards embracing language as an important axis of diversity.
This event is organised by UCL Centre for Digital Humanities, which is part of the UCL Institute of Advanced Studies and by the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis at Stanford University.
About the Speaker
Quinn Dombrowski
Quinn Dombrowski is the Academic Technology Specialist in the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, and in the Library, at Stanford University. Prior to coming to Stanford in 2018, Quinn’s many DH adventures included supporting the high-performance computing cluster at UC Berkeley, running the DiRT tool directory with support from the Mellon Foundation, writing books on Drupal for Humanists and University of Chicago library graffiti, and working on the program staff of Project Bamboo, a failed digital humanities cyberinfrastructure initiative.
More about Quinn Dombrowski