What we can do
The UCL CCS (Cultural Consultation Service)
aims to enhance learning and teaching outcomes
for students and staff facing cross-cultural and
social conflicts.
University College London (UCL), the first UK university to open its doors to applicants regardless of race, class, political belief or religion, prides itself on being a global university
We have experience of helping people in a number of ways. We
will usually offer a one-hour initial meeting during which you will have the
opportunity to discuss your situation in detail, in an informal and friendly
atmosphere. In our experience, any issue
that people wish to discuss usually has a number of aspects. The possible
interventions are therefore many and varied.
To give just one example: that of a student who is experiencing a cultural conflict with their supervisor. We can help them (i) share their experiences, (ii) explore their perception of the situation and consider other possible perspectives, (iii) reflect on what the other
person might be experiencing, bearing in mind a number of inter-cultural considerations and perspectives; (iv) consider improvements and possible cultural outcomes i.e. in what ways could things be better; (v) reflect on what they might do next, and consider alternative actions including any barriers they may perceive to taking action; (vi) help prepare for one of a range of possible next steps e.g. provision of knowledge, skills and attitudes related to inter-cultural learning in preparation for meetings with their supervisor, and (vii) facilitate improving the cultural relationship with their supervisor. These are just some examples.