Exhibition: Inspiring Action on the Climate Emergency
Representatives from across the globe are meeting this November at COP26 in Glasgow to decide how to take action on the climate emergency. The actions the representatives take on global heating, protecting habitats and creating a fairer society will shape our future. However, all of our actions count!
This exhibition gives a snapshot of how UCL research is creating catalysts for positive change globally, locally and here at UCL. It aims to inspire you to contribute to change with 26 calls to action. From eco-efficient artificial intelligence to coffee logs that heat our home, learn about how UCL staff and students are making change every day.
This event is part of UCL’s climate campaign ‘Generation One’. Together we are the new generation taking responsibility for climate action and turning science into actionable ideas. Join our new era of climate action at ucl.ac.uk/generation-one
Fairer Future
Technical Troubleshooting
Future Ecosystems
Future London
Future UCL