UCL CEGE Professor appointed Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Large Volume Metrology
18 March 2020
Research by Professor Robson from UCL Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering aims to demonstrate how large volume metrology can become a ubiquitous, cost-effective tool to enhance future factories' flexibility, agility and economic benefits.
Professor Robson’s goal is to demonstrate how large volume metrology can become a ubiquitous, cost-effective tool for information gathering and integrated decision support to ensure that manufactured assemblies match their design throughout the supply chain, and that the simulated and physical performance of a product also match. This will enable seamless integration between a physical manufacturing space and its digital twin, helping to open up the flexibility, agility and economic benefits of the factories of the future.
Professor Robson says: “To be sustainable and world-leading over the long term we have to work across disciplinary boundaries. With my work now focusing on aerospace, I am fascinated by the interdisciplinary capabilities of the engineering teams developing the manufacturing techniques and the materials understanding needed to meet the complex challenges of making the next generation of aircraft. [A] three-way investment between the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), Airbus, and UCL enables us to build on an existing industry innovation partnership to deliver innovative aerospace research demonstrators that will lead to the uptake of ubiquitous, high-accuracy, consumer-inspired measurement tools in large-scale manufacturing.”
With thanks to the RAEng.
Please note, some links lead to external sites.
- UCL Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
- Professor Robson's CEGE profile
- Royal Academy of Engineering news article
- Royal Academy of Engineering
- Airbus website
- Credit: Royal Academy of Engineering