Transitions to sustainable mobility
27 July 2018
Shaping transport and urban planning in Maputo, Mozambique and Freetown, Sierra Leone

Dr Clemence Cavoli was invited to discuss her project T-SUM, Transitions to Sustainable Mobility, at the UCL Grand Challenges Showcase, an event supported by UCL’s Vice-Provost.
T-SUM received seed funding from the UCL Grand Challenge for Sustainable Cities and the UCL Transport Institute. It is a collaborative project between CEGE and the Department Planning Unit at UCL, academic partners in Maputo and Freetown, local authorities and research organisations/think tanks.
T-SUM aims to support sustainable urban mobility governance processes in Maputo and Freetown. Both cities are rapidly expanding (population and GDP) and are faced with growing issues related to transport and land use (e.g. rapid increase in car use and urban sprawl). Public authorities and stakeholders in both cities are increasingly faced with crucial decisions to be made regarding the development path/trajectory of their cities. If left unaddressed, current development patterns could lead to unsustainable levels of car use, pollution, C02 emissions, segregation, road safety, etc. This project would foster cross-sectorial collaborative work and research to generate evidence to inform policy processes and thereby steer urban development in those cities.