Transit Data 2024 Cancellation Policy
Transit Data 2024 Cancellation Policy
It is your responsibility to ensure all details given on the online registration form are accurate and that you pay careful attention to online accessibility requirements, particularly if you are making the booking on behalf of someone else.
Registrations cancelled on or before 01 May 2024 are eligible for an 80% refund of the registration fees paid. Registrations cancelled after 01 May 2024 are no longer eligible for a refund.
If a registrant is unable to attend an event for any reason, they may substitute, by arrangement with the registrar, someone else to attend in their place. In this case, you must follow these instructions to notify us of any substitutions or cancellations. Substitutions are offered free of charge.
- If a registered delegate is unable to attend the conference but wishes to substitute someone to attend in their place then they should email the request of substitution to stating the names, email addresses and institutions of both the original and the substitute delegates.
- If a registered delegate is unable to attend the conference and there will be no substitution, we would be grateful if they email the request to cancel to stating the name, email address and institution of the registered delegate.
Visa Issues
Cancellations made after a failed visa application will be refunded the registration fees paid in excess of GBP50, which covers the costs associated with processing the paper.
Important note for failed visa applications: Notification must be received by the conference organiser in writing (email) no later than 10 (ten) working days before the conference starts for refunds to be eligible. Cancellations received after this cut-off time will no longer be eligible for refund.