Queerness in China 中国酷儿, online roundtable
14 April 2023
Queerness in China: Understanding Queerness in the Sociological Context of China in the Age of Digital Media. Online event organised by UCL Global China Study Society. 17 April 2023, 7–8.30pm BST. Everyone is warmly welcome.

Confirmed speakers
Dr Xing Huang (He/ Him)
Lecturer in Politics and Media at the University of East Anglia
His PhD research project (Re)forming Collective Identity Through Slacktivism in Chinese LGBTQ+ Digital Activism: The #IAmGay# Movement explores Chinese LGBTQ+ digital activism practices through the lens of social movement studies.
His key research interests include digital activism, social media, social movements, gender and sexuality, and Chinese media.
Mx Ge Liang (They/ Them)
PhD candidate in the Culture, Media and Creative Industries Department, King’s College London.
Their doctoral project explores the body, desires and embodiment in the Chinese boys’ love culture community.
Their research interests include cultural sociology, gender and sexuality studies, and East Asian popular media and culture.
They received a BLit in Chinese language and literature from Peking University, and MSc in sociology from the London School of Economics. Their recent publications can be found in Media, Culture & Society, International Journal of Cultural Studies, and Asian Studies Review.
Dr Phil Freestone
Teaching Fellow in Linguistics at the University of Birmingham
Carried out research projects in discourse analysis, anthropological linguistics, intercultural communication and language, gender and sexuality, including extended ethnographic projects in mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.