The UCL China Centre for Health and Humanities is committed to a wide range of research into and teaching of Chinese health as it is embedded in specific social, cultural and historical contexts. This includes work on the origins and spread of acupuncture and Chinese medical knowledge and practice around the world, its appropriate and effective use in our time.
Artemisia annua has been used for centuries in China for treating intermittent fever; in modern times it is mass produced for the prevention and treatment of malaria.
几百年来青蒿在中国一直是治疗"疟"的草本药物;经现代方法加工,其已成为全球预防及治疗疟疾的特效药. | |
Daoyin is an ancient Chinese therapeutic exercise for strengthening the body, and treating illness; in a religious context, it has been used in immortality practices.
在中国古代, "导引"是一项增强体质,治疗顽疾的康复运动.道家亦认为其是成仙的一种途径. |