Movement Matters: Dance, Kinaesthesia and the Avant-Garde
8 November 2018
A workshop-performance event to mark the paperback edition of Irina Sirotkina and Roger Smith, The Sixth Sense of the Avant-Garde: Dance, Kinaesthesia and the Arts in Revolutionary Russia (Bloomsbury, December 2018).
Time: Saturday 1 December 2018, 2:00-6:00pm.
Place: IAS Common Ground (ground floor, south wing, Wilkins building).
Registration via Eventbrite:
The touch and movement senses have a large
place in the modern arts. This is widely discussed and celebrated, often
enough as if it represents a breakthrough in a primarily visual age.
This book turns to history to show just how significant movement and the
sense of movement were to pioneers of modernism at the turn of the 20th
century. It makes this history vivid through a picture of movement in
the lives of an extraordinary generation of Russian artists, writers,
theatre people and dancers bridging the last years of the tsars and the
Revolution. Readers will gain a new perspective on the relation between
art and life in the period 1890-1920 in great innovators like the poets
Mayakovsky and Andrei Bely, the theatre director Meyerhold, the dancer
Isadora Duncan and the young men and women in Russia inspired by her
lead, and esoteric figures like Gurdjieff.
Movement, and the turn to the body as a source of natural knowledge, was at the centre of idealistic creativity and hopes for a new age, for a 'new man', and this was true both for those who looked forward to the technology of the future and those who looked back to the harmony of Ancient Greece. The book weaves history and analysis into a colourful, thoughtful affirmation of movement in the expressive life.
'Introduction to movement matters: Science, art and metaphor of kinaesthesia', Roger Smith (Moscow).
'Bringing the play of the actor closer to dance": Michael Chekov's use of movement and gesture', Rose Whyman (Drama and Theatre Arts, Birmingham).
'Dance on top: The hierarchy of media in the Ballets Russes' Liturgie', Cecilia Stinton (History of Art, UCL).
15.50-16.20 BREAK
Performance of sound poetry (la poésie sonore), Vincent Barras (Institut des humanités en médecine, University of Lausanne).
'Kinaesthetic politics of post-Soviet Russia: From classical ballet to contemporary dance and performance', Irina Sirotkina (Moscow).
Short dance performances:
Julia Ponds - Duncan dance improvisation.
Lee Phillips - Contemporary dance improvisation.
Irina Sirotkina and Roger Smith - Musical movement.