
CCHH: China Centre For Health And Humanity


UCL-PKU dual degree officially launched

17 December 2017

In November 2017 Peking University (PKU) and UCL formally agreed a Dual Degree programme (five-year integrated Master's degree) in the Medical Humanities.

PKU campus

The programme offers the opportunity for outstanding students registered on the PKU undergraduate Biomedical English Programme, after successfully completing their first four years of study at PKU, to transfer to UCL to undertake the UCL MA Programme in Chinese Health and Humanity. PKU will count the UCL MA year as the fifth, and final, year of the PKU Programme so that after successfully completing the whole Dual Award Programme the students will receive both the PKU Awarded Degree and the UCL Awarded Degree.

We are looking forward to receiving our first students from PKU in autumn 2018.

Read more about the partnership between UCL and PKU here.