Inaugural Lecture 15 June 2011
26 January 2011
Professor Lucy Chen, Institute of Global Health, Peking University 4.
"China's efforts in reducing maternal death from 1950s to 2000"
Lucy Chen is currently Executive Deputy Director of the Institute for Global Health at Peking University. This is an institute dedicated to research on strategies and plans for China's role in South-South health development cooperation and works closely with government organisations. She has played a role in establishing China's Alliance for South-South Health Collaboration Research which will be formally launched in January 2010. Before returning to China, she worked at the Department of Health, and University of Sydney in Australia
Professor Chen's research interests include development cooperation in the health sector between
China and other developing countries and, in particular, effective
interventions to support MDGs especially in maternal health in Africa. This visit will help to establish a new dialogue between work in China
and the UCL Institutes in London where there are many shared interests.