Each month, we invite a different healthcare and data expert to share their experience with us.
Upcoming seminars
Check out the 'events' page for a full list of upcoming seminars. These are usually hosted virtually on the last Wednesday of each month, between 3 and 4 pm.
Previous seminars
Click to watch the recordings on Zoom.
March 2021: Aldo Faisal, Imperial College London - Towards deployment of the AI Clinician in critical care: Risk, Prediction and Off-Line Learning
April 2021: Stephanie Hyland, Microsoft Research in Cambridge - Predicting near-term circulatory failure in the ICU with machine learning
May 2021: Andrey Kormilitzin, University of Oxford - Unreasonable effectiveness of the path signature representations for electronic health records
July 2021: Tom Lawton and Yan Jia - Gaps between theory and the real world: Safety and the AI Clinician
September 2021: Tony Bagnall and Markus Löning - sktime: a toolkit for machine learning with time series
November 2021: Elizabeth Stoke - The softness of hard data
March 2022: Terry O'Neill, Knowledge Transfer Network
June 2022: Waty Lilaonitkul and Alireza Mani - Interdisciplinary research in network physiology: Lessons from hypoxia
July 2022: Patty Kostkova – ‘There’s An App for That’: How digital technologies and social media shape our health
December 2022: Philip Pearce – Multi-scale modelling of blood flow in sickle cell disease
January 2023: Dirk Husmeier – Parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification in cardiac mechanics
March 2023: Miquel Aguirre – Data-Driven Computational Modelling for Cardiovascular Medicine Applications
April 2023: Payam Barnaghi – Remote Monitoring and Machine Intelligence for Dementia Care
July 2023: Padmanabhan Ramnarayan - High-resolution vital sign measurements from continuous monitoring during paediatric critical care support
November 2023: Maarten van Smeden - 'Uncertainty in AI'
December 2023: Ken Li - 'An Explainable AI-driven Method for Real-time Mortality Prediction in Critically Ill Children during Emergency Transports'