CHIMERA researchers are using anonymised ICU data from patients in ICU at University College London Hospital (UCLH) to gain a better understanding of how people’s physiology changes during ill health
The main part of the data will be vital sign data from the bedside monitors, such as heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate alongside some broad patient information such as an age and diagnosis category. The CHIMERA team is working with doctors to analyse this data to understand better how people recover in ICU. This improved understanding will provide new ideas how to keep improving care for critically ill patients.
All personal identifiers are removed from the data before it is shared with the research team so it is no longer possible to trace the data back to the patient. To enhance security further, the database is stored in the UCL Data Safe Haven, which has similar features to those your bank uses to store financial information. Finally, all staff and projects have to be approved by a dedicated scientific advisory committee to ensure these data are used appropriately. This project has received ethics approval from an independent ethics review board (via the NHS Health Research Authority).
If you would like further information, then please contact the CHIMERA team: The local project representative: Dr Steve Harris,
Research Ethics Committee approval reference: 21/EM/0134