CHIMERA seminar with Prof Payam Barnaghi
26 April 2023, 3:00 pm–4:00 pm

Event Information
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Alice Hardy
Zoom webinarOnlineOnlineOnline
Close to 23% of unplanned hospital admissions for people living with dementia (PLWD) are due to potentially preventable causes such as severe urinary tract infections (UTIs), falls, and respiratory problems. These affect the well-being of PLWD, cause stress to carers and increase pressure on healthcare services. This talk will discuss how using routinely collected in-home sensory data, applying predictive models and adaptive algorithms that work with partially labelled multimodal, noisy and dynamic data, we are designing a new generation of dementia care solutions to predict the health and care needs of PLWD, enable timely interventions and evaluate the effectiveness of responses and interventions.
About the Speaker
Professor Payam Barnaghi
Chair in Machine Intelligence Applied to Medicine at Imperial College
Payam Barnaghi is Chair in Machine Intelligence Applied to Medicine and Deputy Head of Division of Neurology in the Department of Brain Sciences at Imperial College London. He is a Principal Investigator and Programme Lead for Machine Intelligence in the Care Research and Technology Centre at the UK Dementia Research Institute. He is an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Big Data and vice-chair of the IEEE SIG on Big Data Intelligent Networking. He is also a Visiting Professor at the Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health at University College London.
His main research goal is to develop AI and machine learning solutions for healthcare and create affordable and scalable digital systems that can be applied across a range of health conditions. He works on machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), semantic computing, adaptive algorithms and computational neuroscience to solve problems and develop new technologies for future healthcare systems.