CHIMERA webinar with Mark Peters and Samiran Ray
23 June 2021, 3:00 pm–4:00 pm

Pitfalls of Pressure: The Cautionary Tale of a Vital Sign
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CHIMERA (Collaborative Healthcare Innovation through Mathematics, EngineeRing and AI)
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Physiological measures or so-called vital signs provide an attractive data source for time-series modelling to predict future events e.g. cardiac arrests or deterioration. However, one of the biggest problems, especially with high-frequency signal processing, is accounting for noise. In this talk we will address blood pressure - a vital sign that has proved a valuable information source in several predictive AI models in acute healthcare but one that is beset by several real-world measurement problems. We discuss the how we measure blood pressure, the potential sources of inaccuracy, the uncertainties around defining what is normal or desirable (with a focus on children) and how we use it clinically.
Speaker bio
Samiran Ray and Prof Mark Peters are paediatric intensive care consultants at Great Ormond Street Hospital. They have an interest in understanding the differences between critical illness and healthy physiology in children, with an aim to find optimal targets for physiological variables in critical illness. They are clinical trialists and co-investigators on the upcoming NIHR PRESSURE trial, comparing the targeting of a 5th centile blood pressure versus standard care in children needing haemodynamic support on ICU.