
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Sayara Saliyeva

Sayara graduated with an MEng in Chemical Engineering from University of Sheffield, UK, for which she was awarded the Kazakhstan President’s Bolashak International Scholarship. She joined UCL at their Adelaide campus on a BHP Billiton Scholarship award to pursue a PhD looking at the sustainability assessment of underground coal gasification.
Sayara is supervised by Professor Paola Lettieri.
Prior to joining UCL, she held a post as a teaching and research assistant within the Department of Chemical Engineering at  Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan. Sayara’s research interests lie at the interface between environmental risk assessment and techno-economic analysis of gasification processes, particularly in relation to policy formation and the establishment of novel or emerging technologies.

Research project

Title: Sustainability Assessment of Underground Coal Gasification followed by Chemicals Productions.

My research interests lie at the interface between environmental and social risk assessment and techno-economic analysis of gasification processes, particularly in relation to policy formation and the establishment of novel or emerging technologies such as underground coal gasification.

During the course of my PhD at UCL, I have focused on looking at alternative to the traditional combustion coal utilisation technologies. Underground coal gasification was identified among others clean coal technologies as one of the most promising, especially when combined with carbon capture and sequestration or enhanced oil recovery technologies to reduce environmental impact associated with coal utilisation and having a potential to become a bridging technology for sustainable future.

My research will seek to identify the economic, environmental and social impacts associated with the commercial underground coal gasification followed by chemicals production. These would be compared with conventional technologies of chemicals production.


MEng in Chemical Engineering, The University of Sheffield, 2011