CNIE / SAXSLAB Workshops on SAXS and Diffraction are a success
8 May 2017
On April 26-28th April 2017, over 30 participants from 5 departments attended CNIE/SAXSLAB workshops organised by Dr Han Wu (CNIE) and Dr Isja de Feijter (SAXSLAB) to provide essential training for SAXS users.
The workshops covered scattering theory, experimental techniques, and software tutorial sessions, with an inspiring keynote talk from Prof Battaglia on molecular engineering.
Half a day of the workshop was dedicated to data processing and enabled participants to maximise the information gained from the SAXS technique. It also provided a platform for a new SAXS user group to exchange tips and ideas.
What did students, researchers and staff have to say about the sessions:
" Ciro Lopez Vazquez (PhD, UCL Chemistry) “I found SAXS workshop very helpful as a new user. Data processing session was of high importance; it gives you better understanding of what your data represents. “
" Nadir Basma (PhD, Imperial College and UCL Physics) “The workshop was great. Han’s talk was absolutely brilliant and exactly what I was looking for. It covered all grounds and was an excellent refresher.”
" Max Besenhard (Postdoc, UCL Chem Eng) “The hands-on session was very useful. I appreciated very much to learn more about our instrument, what's in the data, and what to take care of etc.”
" Barry Reid (PhD,UCL Chem Eng) “It was a perfect balance between fundamental theory, data analysis and applications. I was even able to perform some GI-SAXS analysis on some of my samples which was an excellent learning experience.”
" Antony Omita (PhD, UCL School of Pharmacy) “Prof Battaglia gave a brilliant talk, with great real life applications of SAXS in drug delivery. I would definitely recommend the workshop to both SAXS users as well as the newcomers.”
" Isil Akpinar (PhD, UCL Chem Eng) “Thank you for organizing this kind of workshops.“
" Prof. Asterios Gavriilidis (UCL Chem Eng) “The SAXS workshop was very useful, as it provided information on the SAXS technique development, and presented the fundamentals and the capabilities of the methods in a clear and simple way. The speakers were enthusiastic and engaged very well with the audience, answering all questions posed to them.”
For more information about future CNIE Workshops (SAXS, GC/HPLC, BET, Porosity etc) and support materials please contact Dr. Han Wu.