Frank Morton sports day
2 March 2017
Another Frank Morton sports day has passed and expectations were once again exceeded by the hosts, Loughborough University.
It was a full-day worth of fun activities such as diverse sports (including Quidditch), an opening award ceremony, a comedy night, live concert and most of all quality bonding. The event also provided students with an opportunity to network with other chemical engineers from around the UK and Ireland!
On 16 February, we left UCL via coach to arrive at 7:30am in the beautiful Loughborough campus. Once we got a tour of the main sites, we headed off to a careers fair where many companies were eager to talk to every participant and hand out freebies. Some of the representatives included: Phillips66, EY, GSK and of course, IChemE.
Next we split into assigned teams to meet some of our ‘frenemies’ for the day. After a few hours of playing sports like dodgeball, rounders and football, we spent time socialising with students whilst others napped in the sports hall from exhaustion!
The Ramsay Society did not prevail in any sports but none of our students seemed to notice, judging by the ear-to-ear smiles on their faces!
The day concluded with some of Loughborough’s funniest unknown comedians and we went to a concert provided by our lovely hosts!
Frank Morton Sports Day offered not only fun experiences for all attendees, but also future connections for the chemical engineers. Also a strong bond was formed between students of all years, which was the most valuable outcome of all.
Article by: Galen Nedelchev, Ramsay Society sports secretary