Dr Han Wu: UK representative at ISO for the development of nanoparticle characterisation standards
7 July 2017
(UK delegates L to R: Stephen Ward-Smith, Malvern; Richard Tweedie, TSK; Han Wu, CNIE, UCL; Denis Koltsov, BREC; Ian Marshall, Ricardo; David Worton, NPL)
Han Wu, senior research technician in Chemical Engineering, has been nominated as the UK expert at ISO and appointed as committee member in the ISO/TC/24/SC working group 10 - Small Angle X-ray Scattering - and working group 3 - Porosity. She attended the ISO/TC24/SC4 committee meeting in Tokyo in May 2017, together with the other five delegates shown in the photo, representing the UK British Standards Institution. The purpose of the meeting was to further the development of particle characterization standards.
Han is currently working on revising two standards related to nanoparticle size measurement by SAXS, and surface area measurements by both BET and SAXS methods, together with leading industrial experts and academics from across the world. The involvement of a UCL staff member in developing ISO standard, which are targeted primarily at industry, provides valuable insights and opportunities into influencing and understanding the development of procedures and standards, which will be accepted worldwide. CNIE is becoming established as a Center of Excellence for techniques such as SAXS, and BET for nanoparticle characterization.