
Change and Improvement


Change Management

The Change Management team supports teams and projects to plan, implement and successfully embed change at UCL – such as new processes, ways of working, and new technologies and systems.

In today's rapidly changing world and the evolving landscape of Higher Education we must be able to effectively plan and react to changes to the way we work, where we work, and the tools we use.

By working with those leading on projects, providing advice and guidance, and developing tools and resources, Change Managers help to ensure that key stakeholders and impacted staff are both engaged with and understand these changes.

Depending on the scale of a change and the impact it has on the business, the team can provide support through:

  • Consultancy – Providing expert advice to the project team and sponsor by developing bespoke guidance, custom strategy & planning and initial facilitation to enable the team to successfully manage the transition to future state. This service is typically offered to a change of any size that is strategically critical to UCL or locally and can be managed within the project or BAU team. 
  • Change Management assignment – A dedicated Change Manager partnered with the project manager/sponsor to manage the people side of the change, offering scalable change management activities aligned to the size and scope of the change initiative. This service is typically offered to large, high risk, strategically critical changes for UCL. 
  • Local Enablement – Self-service access to the change management toolkits and resources available on this site to empower local leaders and champions to manage the change. This service can be used for any appropriately sponsored and defined change initiative.

Find out more about Change Management at UCL and access the toolkit on SharePoint

Change Management at UCL

By following a structured approach to defining a change and why it’s needed, identifying and gaining the support of impacted groups, clearly communicating, providing training, and ultimately evaluating success, Change Managers can help individuals, teams and organisations through changes.

Change Management has existed within UCL since 2007, predominantly supporting the community to adopt new technology being introduced by ISD. In 2021, the existing ISD and TOPS Change Management teams were brought together to form a capability to support UCL’s major change initiatives, under the leadership of Julie Bailey – Head of Change Services.

Progress and next steps

The Change Management team have supported the delivery of a range of projects in ISD, TOPS and the wider community including:

  • establishing the Commercial and Procurement Services team as a new function for UCL separate to FBA;
  • introducing a Master Vendor framework aligning UCLs preferred recruitment suppliers into one service managed by Advantage xPO;
  • introducing a new travel provider service for UCL in line with a new Travel Policy;
  • and developing an e-learning programme in collaboration with Organisational Development and provider 'And Then Somehow', designed to help reduce the administrative burden for all UCL staff.

Visit the Change Management SharePoint for more about the current initiatives we are supporting.

Change Management Toolkit

The Change Management Toolkit has been designed to align with the key phases of any project and includes e-learning, tools and guidance to help plan, implement and embed change. 

Find the toolkit on SharePoint